Tag Archives: turkey

These are Some of the Sodas We Like Episode 195: Faygo Rock & Rye

Bill and Abi are here to confuse and frustrate! The holidays! Thanks to They Might Be Giants for the use of our theme song, Exquisite Dead Guy.

These are Some of the Sodas We Like Episode 191: Coco Rico Yellow

Abi and Bill return from the dead and are ready to die! Jam me up with a fresh new Coco Rico experience!!! Thanks to They Might Be Giants for the use of our theme song, Exquisite Dead Guy!

These are Some of the Sodas We Like Episode 184: Sipp Ginger Blossom

Abi and Bill are in the middle of May-hem and have a Sipp to share with you. Bust out your 7th grade sketchbook and feel some regret! Thanks to They Might Be Giants for the use of our theme song, …

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These are Some of the Sodas We Like Episode 163: Jarrito’s Jamaica

Are you ready for the blind taste test of a new generation? Yeah? You are WRONG. And Bill and Abi are so mad about you and about Jamaica. Thanks to They Might Be Giants for the use of our theme …

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